Presto Gel was formulated using active ingredients that are natural, herbal and non-toxic in order to optimise the body’s own healing mechanisms to repair all hemorrhoids / piles symptoms.
It has been clinically proven to be superior to the performance of other treatments that contain combinations of standard ingredients such as: Ethyl-three-O-benzyl-D-glucofuroluzyl 3,5,6, Benzocaine, Hydrocortisone, Nifidipine, and Zinc.
- Presto gel does not contain any of these ingredients that are both inferior and not long-term safe to use.
The clinical results exceeded the clinician’s expectations by such a margin that all things considered, Presto Gel is now your Hemorrhoid Treatment of Choice in New Zealand.
There are very few people with allergies to aloe vera and this herbal extract is widely used or prescribed for skin healing.
Very occasionally (under 0.5%) a first-time Presto Gel user experiences effects they consider as painful while in reality this is a strong sensation (but not actual exposure) of cooling or heating at a seriously damaged and exposed haemorrhoid area; an easy test is to apply some aloe vera to another area of skin or a scratch and compare the results. Often only a little persistence and using minute gel application to managing the initial sensation will result in success.